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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 6

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Mar. 10, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in working with a UNIX servers. You may do this assignment in groups of 2 students.

Log onto your account on
  1. The finger utility displays information about users on remote systems. Use finger to find a list of users on the following computers

  2. You can also get information about individuals using finger by prefacing the computer name with their user name. What information can you find about wsummers on

  3. Many of the configuration files for networks on a UNIX computer are in the /etc subdirectory. Change to that directory and describe what you found in each of the following files:

  4. Do a rup. What did you find?

  5. What's in the kernel's routing table by running /sbin/route?

  6. Use the inetd configuration file to determine what services are available? Explain your observations.
  7. Run /sbin/ifconfig eth0. Explain what you observed.

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written by Wayne Summers