CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 6
(Due before 5 p.m. MST on
Mar. 10, 2000)
The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in working with a UNIX servers. You may do this assignment in groups of 2 students.
Log onto your account on rex.nmhu.edu.
- The finger utility displays information about users on remote systems. Use finger to find a list of users on the following computers
- Get a list of who is on your computer
- Get a list of users who are on @venus.nmhu.edu
- Get a list of users at @www.nmhu.edu
- You can also get information about individuals using finger by prefacing the computer name with their user name. What information can you find about wsummers on venus.nmhu.edu?
- Many of the configuration files for networks on a UNIX computer are in the /etc subdirectory. Change to that directory and describe what you found in each of the following files:
- hosts
- passwd
- hosts.deny
- inetd.conf
- Do a rup. What did you find?
- What's in the kernel's routing table by running /sbin/route?
- Use the inetd configuration file to determine what services are available? Explain your observations.
- Run /sbin/ifconfig eth0. Explain what you observed.
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written by Wayne Summers wsummers@nmhu.edu