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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 4

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Feb. 18, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in working with the installation of a servers. This assignment requires the following diagrams of the Administration Building used in Labs 2 & 3. You may do this assignment in groups of 2 students.
Admin. Building First Floor     Admin. Building Second Floor

  1. How many Windows NT Server client access licenses will be needed for the Administration Building server. What licensing mode would you use for the server?

  2. List the tasks you would perform before installing the NT server software.
    Administration Building NT Server Setup
    Installation Preparation TaskDecision Step

  3. On one of the servers in the SH109 lab, record hardware information about the computer to have ready for an NT Server installation.

  4. Explain the difference between a PDC and a BDC. What would you make the server in the Administration Building? Explain why you should or should not have both a PDC and a BDC.

  5. Install Windows NT Server on the computer in the SH109 lab that you used to answer question #3. Answer the following questions. (Have paper ready to write down your answers during the installation.)

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written by Wayne Summers