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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 3

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Feb. 11, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in working with clients and servers. This assignment requires the following diagrams of the Administration Building used in Lab 2.
Admin. Building First Floor     Admin. Building Second Floor

  1. What type of server would you purchase in the Administration Building described in the diagrams from Lab 2. List each component and tell why you would use this particular component.
  2. Use the Internet to find example prices of the equipment listed in #1.
  3. Consult your local computer supplier and/or the Internet to find the prices of 32-bit NICs from four vendors. Once you have the prices, complete the following table.
    NIC VendorPrice per NIC# of NICs (Admin. Building)Total Cost
    1. Contact a local computer dealer or use the Internet to find out the cost of upgrading from Windows '95 to Windows NT Workstation. Be sure to consider the cost to upgrade any hardware.
    2. Why would you want to upgrade from Windows '95 to Windows NT Workstation?
    3. Assume that the computers in the Administration building are currently Pentium 133's with 16 MB of RAM and a 750 MB Hard drive running Windows '95. What would the cost be to upgrade all of the computers from Windows '95 to Windows NT Workstation.
  4. Redo question #4, upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional instead of Windows NT Workstation.

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written by Wayne Summers