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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 2

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Feb. 4, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in designing a network. This assignment requires the following diagrams of the Administration Building.
Admin. Building First Floor     Admin. Building Second Floor

  1. What type of network would you install in the Administration Building? Why would you install this type of network? Please complete your answer to the assignment by addressing the following questions:

  2. Use the two figures to show how you would network the Administration Building, including:

  3. How many network interface cards will be needed to connect everyone?

  4. How many file servers will be needed for the offices on both floors? Why?

  5. Prepare a cost estimate of the equipment required to network the administration building. Use the spreadsheet provided. It is estimated that you will need 1,200 feet of cabling, at a minimum.
    EquipmentCost per UnitNumber of UnitsTotal Cost

  6. Prepare a brief memo to Bob Watson, the CIO, with your networking proposal. Explain the equipment you propose to puchase. Why are you recommending this particular equipment? How will your recommendation help meet the president’s stipulation that the network must be reliable?

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written by Wayne Summers