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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 1

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Jan. 21, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in completing a computer software and hardware inventory. This assignment requires access to a computer lab with at least five (5) computers.

  1. Perform an inventory of PCs in a computer lab. Create a spreadsheet showing the owner(user), CPU, amount of memory, amount of hard disk space, and operating system(s). Include your own personal computer (if you have one) in this inventory.
    Owner/Name of ComputerCPUMemoryHard Disk SpaceOperating System
  2. Create an inventory of the software used on your computer. Identify the name of the software and where it is located on the hard disk.
    Software PackageLocation on hard disk

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written by Wayne Summers