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Chapter 9 - Setting Up a Sample Network: Servers

  1. Configuring TCP/IP Software

    • Domain name (name the entire network will use [networkname:]
    • System name (unique name of each local machine) [hostname: jaring]
    • IP address (full address of each machine) []
    • Driver type: (each interface must be associated with a device driver) []
    • Broadcast address: (address used for network-wide broadcasts) []
    • Netmask: (network mask that uniquely identifies the local network) []
    • Hardware network card configuration information: (IRQ, DMA, and I/O addresses of the network card)
    • Gateway address (IP address of router) []
    • Domain Name Server (IP address of DNS) [ -]

    programs for testing settings

    • UNIX - hwconfig
    • DOS - MSD.EXE, Norton Utilites
    • WIN 95 & WIN NT - ControlPanel|System

    Configuring TCP/IP

    1. Link drivers (link to the OS's kernel or load on boot)
    2. Add host information (provide a list of all machines on the network) [not needed if using DNS]
    3. Establish routing tables (provide the information for routing packets properly if name resolution isn't sufficient)
    4. Set user access (configure system to enable access in/out of the network, and establish permissions)
    5. Remote device access (printers, CD-ROM jukeboxes, etc.)
    6. Configure the name domain server (if using BIND or NIS)
    7. Tune system for performance
    8. Configure NFS
    9. Configure for Anonymous FTP
  2. UNIX TCP/IP Configuration

    TCP/IP UNIX configuration files
    /etc/networksNetwork names
    /etc/servicesList of known services
    /etc/protocolsSupported protocols
    /etc/hosts.equivList of trusted hosts
    /etc/ftpusersList of unwelcome FTP users
    /etc/inetd.confList of servers started by inetd

    1. Configuring SCO - use netconfig
    2. Configuring Linux
      1. Make sure the /proc filesystem is mounted by the kernel
      2. Set the hostname [hostname]
      3. Make the network interface accessible
        [ifconfig interface_type IP_address]
      4. Add routes to the kernel's routing table [route add|del IP_address]
      5. Make sure that the loopback interface exists
      6. Add the Ethernet driver to the kernel [ifconfig eth0]
      7. Add an entry for the network to the kernel's routing table [route add -net 192.132.89]
      8. Check the /etc/hosts file [and /etc/protocols & /etc/services files]
    3. Configuring Solaris
  3. Configuring Windows NT Server

    • TCP/IP Software & Services
      1. TCP/IP Internetworking protocol is installed by default (drivers for Windows Sockets, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, TCP, IP, UDP, ARP, ICMP, PPP, & SLIP) (hostname,ipconfig, finger, ping, arp, route, tracert, netstat, nbtstat)
      2. Connectivity Utilities are installed by default (telnet, ftp, tftp, rsh, rcp, rexec)
      3. SNMP Client Services (allows for remote administration & required to use Performance Monitor and obtain TCP/IP stats)
      4. TCP/IP Network Printing Support (enables network printing using lpr)
      5. FTP Server Service (enables ftp server) [uses unencrypted passwords]
      6. Simple TCP/IP Services (DayTime, Echo, QOTD, Character, Discard)
      7. DHCP Server Service (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - dynamic allocates IP addresses)
      8. WINS Server Service (Windows Internet Name Service - dynamically identifies host names) [NetBIOS Name Server]
    • TCP/IP Configuration Control Panel | Network | TCP/IP
      1. Check Adapter settings (IRQ, I/O address, etc.)
      2. Enter IP address (or enable DHCP) & Subnet Mask
      3. Enter the Default Gateway address (and WINS Servers if used)
      4. Configure the DNS (hostname, domainname, DNS server, domain suffix, search order)
      5. From Network Settings, check the Network Bindings (check that TCP/IP binding is enabled and disable any unnneeded bindings)
  4. Testing the Server Configurations: ping, netstat, telnet

  5. User Equivalence (allows the user to rlogin to another machine with the same account info)

    • .rhosts file contains entries specifying the remote machine name and user ID [located in root]
    • hosts.equiv can also contain the name of trusted hosts which allow any user to connect to their account [located in /etc]
  6. Anonymous FTP (requires tight control over access

    • UNIX - create a user and group called ftp; create a public directory system for ftp
    • Win NT - enable FTP Service and fill out form
  7. Configuring SLIP and PPP
    • SLIP - Serial Line Interface Protocol (only asynchronous, line must be dedicated, no error detection)
    • PPP - Point to Point Protocol
  8. Remote Printing uses Remote Line Printing (RLP); requires an entry in /etc/printcap
  9. Configuring SNMP used to monitor the network for problems; uses /etc/snmpd.conf

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