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CS457/557 - Computer Networks: Chapter 5 - Local Area Network Concepts and Architectures


  1. Understand how access methodologies, logical topologies, and physical topologies combine to form alternative network architectures
  2. Understand the similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages to current network architectures such as Ethernet, token ring, and FDDI.
  3. Understand the similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of emerging high-speed network architectures such as 100BaseT, 100VG-AnyLAN, ISO-Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet, fibre channel, and LAN-based ATM.
  4. Understand the value of the OSI model in the analysis of network architecture alternatives
  5. Understand how proper LAN analysis can help determine which network architecture is most appropriate in any given situation.

What is a Local Area Network?

How is a Local Area Network Implemented?

Networking Hardware

Networking Software

Networking Media

Why are Local Area Networks Implemented?

The overall business needs/perspectives. Recognition of information as a corporate asset. Save money. Increase productivity. Increase data accessabililty. Provide more bandwidth to the desktop. Reliable, easy to use information systems. Well supported information systems.
Identify the business activities. General information requirements. Resource sharing of printers, CD-ROMs, communication links, FAXs, and modems. File sharing and application sharing. Distributed data access and shared databases. Extended communications through: Inter-LAN, micro to mainframe links, and wide area network links.
Business Analysis Questions. See Fig. 4-5
Application Application Programs. Network printing, network backup, network security, network management, network resource optimization, workgroup software, remote access/control software, connectivity / gateway software, productivity software, MAC integration software
Data Database management languages. SQL. Database types. multiuser (file server), client / server (database server). Back-end databases: ORACLE, SYBASE. Front-end database tools. Database servers. Gupta, Netware, NT
Network File transfer software. Laplink, Interlnk. Printer sharing networks: Black-box Zero-slot LANs. LANtastic-Z. Peer-to-peer systems LANtastic, Netware Lite, WFWG. Fully-integerated LANs Netware, Banyan Vines, NT, Appletalk, Pathworks LANs and LAN look-alikes

Business Analysis Questions

Current 2-3 years 5 years
User Issues
  • How many users?
  • What are their business activities?
  • What is the budgeted cost/user?
  • Comprehensive cost of ownership?
  • What are the security needs?
  • What are the support issues?
Local Communications
  • Required speed?
Resource sharing?
  • How many CD-ROMs, printers, modems and FAXs are to be shared?
  • What is the greatest distance from the server to each service?
File Sharing
  • Is printer / queue management required?
  • How many simultaneous users?
Application Sharing
  • What is the number and type of required applications?
  • Are e-mail services required?
Distributed Data Access
LAN Management/Administration
Extended Communications

Network Applications: What can a LAN do for you?

Network Application Issues
Network Printing Printers share print requests, buffered and spooled, Queue / device management
Network Backup Match hardware/software to your needs and network. check out restore features. schedule unattended backups. generation of LOG reports. hardware dependencies and capacities.
Network Security virus control. additional user ID/password protection. encryption. user authentication. Automatic logout of inactive terminals
Network Management network monitors. Diagnostic and analysis tools. Administrative concerns.
Network Resource Optimization. Configuration and Inventory Management Hardware and software inventory database. Reporting and query capabilities. Planning and network configuration tools. Monitoring and network alarm capabilities
Remote Access control software. Connectivity / Gateway software See chapter 6
Groupware Workflow automation. Interactive work document review. Information sharing. Group schedules. Enhanced e-mail.

Categorizing LAN Architectures: The OSI Model Revisited

Layer Name Example of Protocols or Standards Comments
7 Application X.400, X.500 utilities that support end-user application programs
6 Presentation encryption, code translation, compression
5 Session establishes, maintains, and terminates sessions between applications
4 Transport TCP, UDP, SPX provides reliability (end-to-end recovery and flow control)
3 Network IP, IPX establishes, maintains, and terminates end-to-end network links
2 Data Link
Logical link control sublayer
Media access control sublayer CSMA/CD - IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.4 - Token Bus
IEEE 802.5 - token Ring
delivers reliability for point-to-point connections [built into NICs]
Physical RS-232-C, 10Base-T, 10Base-2, 10Base-5, 10Base-F establishes, maintains, and terminates physical connections

The Local Area Network Architecture Model

Access Methodology

Logical Topologies

Physical Topologies

Ethernet Standards

developed by Robert Metcalfe [founder of 3Com) in early 80s - first Ethernet standard in 1981 [Digital-Intel-Xerox]
Ethernet II developed in 1982 followed by IEEE 802.3
Ethernet II Frame Layout
Preamble Destination Address Source Address Type Data Unit Frame Check Sequence
8 Octets 6 Octets 6 Octets 2 Octets 46-1500 bytes 4 Octets
IEEE 802.3 Frame Layout
Preamble Start Frame Delimiter Destination Address Source Address Length Logical Link Control
IEEE 802.2 Data
Frame Sequence Check
7 Octets 1 Octet 2 or 6 Octets 2 or 6 Octets 2 Octets 46-1500 bytes 4 Octets
IEEE 802.2 AND Ethernet SNAP(subnetwork access protocol) - headers within the data fields [used extensively by Netware to render network protocols IEEE 802 compliant
Popular Name Standard Name Speed Media Maximum Segment Length
Orange Hose Ethernet 10Base5 10Mbps ThickCOAX 500 m [up to 100 workstations per segment & up to 5 segments can be joined)
CheapNET ThinNET 10Base2 10Mbps ThinCOAX 185 m (30 workstations/segment; up to 5 segments can be joined)
10BaseT, CAT-3, CAT-5 10BaseT 10Mbps, 100Mbps Unshielded Twisted Pair 100 m [maximum diameter is 2500m and up to four repeaters between end nodes]
Fiber 10BaseF 10Mbps, 100Mbps Fiber-optic cable 1 km
Wireless (infrared) Wireless (infrared) 10 Mbps infrared waves 500 feet
Wireless (radio) cellular 1.25 - 5 Mbps radio waves varies

Token Ring

developed bu Olaf Soderblum for IBM in 1969 [IEE 802.5 standard] - 4-16 Mbps initial cost is higher

ARCNET (attached resources computer network

developed by Datapoint, Inc. - 2.5 Mbps

FDDI (Fiber distributed data interface

100 Mbps specified in 1984 by ANSI (does support IEEE 802.2 logical link control protocols)


100BaseT (Fast Ethernet)

uses same IEEE802.3 MAC sublayer frame layout (maximum network diameter is 210m with up to only 2 repeaters between end nodes)


uses IEEE 802.12 standard for demand priority access; supports IEEE 802.3 and IEEE802.5 MAC layer frames (maximum network diameter is 2500m with up to 4 repeaters between end nodes); requires four pair of CAT3,4, or 5 UTP; uses round robin polling scheme

Isochronous Ethernet

uses IEEE802.9a standard; all connections are syncronized; closely related to ISDN
  1. 10BaseT mode - uses only 10Mbps P channel for Ethernet traffic
  2. Multiservice mode - uses both the 10Mbps P channel for Ethernet traffic and the 6.144 Mbps C channel for video/multimedia
  3. All-isochronous mode - uses all 16.144 Mbps (248 x 64 Kbps) for streaming protocols

Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-X)

uses IEEE802.3z standard; limited to 25m in half-duplex mode; up to 2 km without CSMA/CD

Fibre Channel

uses ANSI standard X3T9.3 running at 133 Mbps to 1.062 Gbps primarily over fibre; used to connec RAID subsystems to computers

LAN-Based ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)

- 25 Mbps to several gigabits per second


[e-mail your answers to before 4 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 1, 1998]Review Questions(pg. 189):#26

Activities:9, 11 (focus on LH2 and SCA205)

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