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CS457/557/MIS420/520 - Computer Networks: Chapter 12 - The Network Development Life Cycle


  1. Understand how the network development life cycle relates to other system development architectures and life cycles.
  2. Understand the network development life cycle
  3. Understand what automated tools are available to assist in the network development life cycle process, their costs and their shortcomings.
  4. Understand the role of vendors at various stages of the network development life cycle.


An Emphasis on the Practical

Where does Network Design fit in the Overall Scheme of Things?

The top-down model and the network development life cycle
Top-Down ModelInformation Systems Development Process
BusinessStrategic business planning
Business processing re engineering
ApplicationsSystems development life cycle
Systems analysis and design
Application development life cycle
DataDatabase analysis and design
Database distribution analysis
NetworkNetwork Development Life Cycle
Network analysis and design
TechnologyPhysical network design
Network implementation
Technology analysis

Understanding Systems Development: Process and Product

process - activities that should be taking place at any point during the development cycle
product - outcome / deliverable from a particular stage of the overall cycle
milestone - indicates completion of one stage of the development cycle

The Network Development Life Cycle

Network Analysis and Design Methodology

Network analysis and design methodology summary
Problem definition and feasibility study
Strategic information system design; develop request for proposal(RFP)
Develop RFP
Evaluate RFPs and vendor demonstration
Make or buy decision
Out-sourcingInhouse development
Final proposal
Approval and implementation
Monitoring and management
Critical success factors of the network development life cycle
Success FactorExplanation
Identification of all potential customers and constituencies No one likes to feel left out or that their input does not matter.
Political awarenessAwareness of the corporate political environment as well as the overall corporate culture can have a large impact on a project's success
Buy-inAs each stage is concluded, buy-in or agreement as to conclusions from all affected customer groups is of critical importance
CommunicationsDo not assume others know what is going on with the project. Write memos, newsletters, send E-mail, or communicate with key people in person
Detailed project documentationDocument every phone call and every meeting. Keep the project well organized from day one with copies of all correspondence
Process/product awarenessKeep in mind what is the process and product for each step in the network analysis and design methodology
Be honest with yourselfIdentify weak points in your proposal and address them accordingly. Play "devil's advocate" with your proposal and prepare for possible objections
  1. Start with a Clearly Defined Problem
  2. Understand Strategic Business Objectives
  3. Importance of Baseline Data (current status)
  4. Top-down model organizes baseline data (requirements gathering)
  5. Feasibility Studies and Buy-in
  6. Strategic Information Systems Design (establish evaluation criteria)

Strategic Information System Design Fosters Business Process Re engineering

  1. Identify Overall System Characteristics
  2. Identify Major Business Functional Areas
  3. Identify Business Processes Associated with each Business Functional Area
  4. Identify Decision Points and Opportunities for Improvement
  5. Develop Specific Evaluation Criteria
  6. Assign Priorities to the Major Functional Areas
    1. items are so important that the system is simply not worth implementing without them
    2. items can be done without or "worked around," but need to be implemented ASAP
    3. items would be nice to have, but can be done without
  7. Produce the RFP
  8. Examine Each Corporate Location
  9. Prepare the Final RFP
  10. Information Supplied to Vendors
  11. Information Requested from Vendors
  12. Percent of Fit Goal
  13. Proposal Evaluation and the Make or Buy Decision
  14. Network Analysis and Design (WAN)

In-House Network Analysis and Design (LAN)