
We now had all the hardware in place and we were set to go. All we need was the software hat we were going to use for the server and the client. After some research we deiced to load Microsoft's Information Locator Server. The reason we chose this server software is because all the NetMeeting servers we found used ILS. We browsed around Microsoft's web site and found a free version of ILS that was downloadable. We put ILS on our server, but need application software run video and text conferencing. Well of course we chose Microsoft NetMeeting because for one thing NetMeeting uses ILS servers, and two it would run on NT. Again we fished around Microsoft's webs site and found it for free. We installed all the need software on all the PC's, including the drivers that were provided by Connectix for the Quick Cams.

Now that we had all the hardware and software in place, it was time to test the whole thing out.

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