
The first question was answered when we were able to use a work-study PC at CNS group as our server. We now had the question of where to get the client sides of our project. We got another helping hand from CNS by getting hold of a hand-me-down computer that was fast enough to run the streaming video, a Pentium II 233 with 64 Megs of RAM. This was going to go in the class room end of our presentation. We had our harts set on using a laptop for this portion of the presentation, but the laptop couldn't handle the video requirements, so we had to lug a PC into the classroom. We now need the other client to talk to for our conference. After discussing our situation with Wayne, we decided to use a PC in the advanced computing lad. This would help out in more than one way. We now had to get the cameras to put this whole thing together. Wayne supplied us with the Quick Connex cameras we need. Now that all the hardware was together, we started on the software portion.
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