Multimedia Authoring Software:Excerpt from a Script (cont.)
set the textArrows to hilite of cd btn id 2 of cd "User Preferences" -- Arrow keys in text
set the blindTyping to hilite of cd btn id 1 of cd "User Preferences" -- Blind Typing
-- load the search path globals
put bg fld "Paths" of cd "Stacks" of bg "Paths" into Stacks
put bg fld "Paths" of cd "Applications" of bg "Paths" into Applications
put bg fld "Paths" of cd "Documents" of bg "Paths" into Documents
pop card -- return to where we were
set lockRecent to false -- clean up for exit
set lockMessages to false
-- Requires handler: getHomeInfo
-- gets and sets user preferences upon returning
pass resume -- so others can use it