Multimedia Authoring Software:Excerpt from a Script (cont.)
checkForMissingFonts -- inform user of missing fonts
pass startUp -- so others can use it
-- Needs: User preferences card of the home stack
-- configures HyperCard to the user specified preferences
-- The following 3 globals are used by HyperCard for locating
-- stacks,applications, and documents
global Stacks,Applications,Documents,UserName
if short name of this stack is not "Home" then -- ²
push this card -- remember where we are
go home -- will take us to the home stack in case we're not there
put false into stackIsHome
else put true into stackIsHome
put (cd fld "User Name" of cd "User Preferences") into UserName
set the userLevel to cd fld "User Level" of cd "User Preferences" -- hidden field