CS 335/535 Web Programming - Week 8
- Chapter 5 - Java and the Internet
- Java History - developed by Sun Microsystems
- Java's Place in the Object-Oriented Continuum - based on C++ but for a multiplatformed environment
- Defining Java - multithreaded OOP with support for multimedia and animation
- Java Applet Definition - form of Java programs designed to run on a Java-compliant web browser
- The Benefits of Java
- Java is Object-Oriented
- Java does not use pointers
- Java is based on single inheritance
- Java has automatic memory management and garbage collection
- compaction - defragmenting memory
- Marking and sweeping - marks objects in use and "sweeps" non-marked objects
- Java supports overloaded functions, but not overloaded operators; no struct or union
- Java does not support automatic coercion (type-casting)
- Java has a native string object
- Java is multithreaded
- JAVA IS PROCESSOR-INDEPENDENT (runs in a multiplatform environment)
source computer's compiler translates source code into bytecodes which are interpreted on the client
- Java is verified - bytecodes are checked for security violations
- The Negatives of Java
- JAVA IS SLOW (applet must be downloaded, verified, and interpreted before it is run)
- IDE still being developed (but better than when the book was written)
- security limits access to files and interaction with other servers
- Chapter 5 - Java Development Environments
- Java Development Environments
- Java Developer's Kit(JDK)
contains source code for classes and has several nice facilities but lacks a GUI front-end
- javac.exe - compiler; java.exe - interpreter
- jdb.exe - debugger
- javah.exe - generates C headers from Java-compiled classes
- javap.exe - class disassembler (bytecodes to source code)
- javadoc.exe - used to create HTML pages from the source code
- appletviewer - looks for and utilizes APPLET tags in the HTML page
- Symantec Cafè - commercial product that contains GUI interface and other enhancements
- Borland Internet Products - commercial product Latte (now called JBuilder) similar to C++Builder and Delphi [available in SCA205 lab]
- Java Workshop - Sun's GUI environment used to create Java Applets and programs as well as HTML pages
- Microsoft's Visual J++ [available in SCA205 lab]
- visual tool that uses standard GUI development techniques (resource builders, syntax-aware editors, graphical debuggers]
- integrated with Visual C++ and Visual BASIC
- enables the developer to extend the capabilities of the Java language
Java Resources