These excercises provide the opportunity for you to practice string fundmentals that persist throughout your
studies in cs.
Submission Instructions
For each of the following practice assignments, save your solution in a .py file, with the name being strings and the number of the assignment. For example, for Strings01: Names, save your solution in a file named Then, submit that file the respective assignment on
Strings01: Iterating Over a
Ask the user to input a string. Use a loop to display each letter of the string.
Please enter a string: Geeks
Optionally, if you completed it using a for loop, can you do this using a while loop (or the other way around)?
Strings02: Reverse the
Write a Python script that requests a string from the user and displays the string in reverse order.
Please enter a string: hello
Strings03: Uppercase
Complete the countUpper() function to return the number of uppercase letters in string.
countUpper( 'Jake went to Publix in Columbus Georgia.') returns 4
countUpper( 'python') returns 0
countUpper( 'CPSC 1301K') returns 5
Provided code
defcountUpper( string ):
print( countUpper( 'Jake went to Publix in Columbus Georgia.'), '(expecting 4)' )
print( countUpper( 'python'), '(expecting 0)' )
print( countUpper( 'CPSC 1301K'), '(expecting 5)' )
Strings04: Changing
Complete the swapCaps() function to change all lowercase letters in string to uppercase letters and all uppercase letters to lowercase letters. Anything else remains the same.
swapCaps( 'Hope you are all enjoying October' ) returns 'hOPE YOU ARE ALL ENJOYING oCTOBER'
swapCaps( 'i hope my caps lock does not get stuck on' ) returns 'I HOPE MY CAPS LOCK DOES NOT GET STUCK ON'
Provided code:
defswapCaps( string ):
Complete the goodPassword() function to return True if password is a good password. Otherwise, have it return False. Criteria for a good password are:
Complete the isScrambled() function to return True if stringA can be reordered to make stringB. Otherwise, return False. Ignore spaces and capitalization. Note, you can not use a list for this assignment.
One solution is to remove all spaces and make a lowercase version of each string. Then, compare the lengths to make sure that they're equal. Then, for each character in the first string, replace the first occurrence of it in the second string with an empty string. You can use the str method replace() to do this. Then, test that the second string is now an empty string.
Provided code:
defisScrambled( stringA, stringB ):
Strings07: Manipulating Strings
Complete the firstMiddleLast() function to return a new string with the first, middle, and last character from string. If string has an even number of characters, grab the middle two characters. It is safe to assume that no string passed in will be less than 3 characters.
firstMiddleLast( 'hello' ) returns 'hlo'
firstMiddleLast( 'Grounds' ) returns 'Gus'
firstMiddleLast( 'plural' ) returns 'purl'
firstMiddleLast( 'password' ) returns 'pswd'
Provided code:
deffirstMiddleLast( string ):
Strings08: Split and Swap
Complete the splitAndSwap() function to return a str with the first and last halves swapped. For example, if the parameter was "moon", then it would return "onmo" by splitting it down the middle: "mo | on" and then swapping the first and last halves. If the word has an odd number of characters, ignore the middle character.
splitAndSwap( 'moon' ) returns 'onmo'
splitAndSwap( 'orange' ) returns 'ngeora'
splitAndSwap( 'oranges' ) returns 'gesora' (Notice that the middle letter was ignored and not part of the return value)
splitAndSwap( 'hello' ) returns 'lohe'
Provided code:
defsplitAndSwap( string ):
Strings09: Palindromes
A palindrome is a word spelled the same forwards and backwards. This can also apply to any phrases that might be the same forwards and backwards (if you ignore the spaces). Complete the isPalindrome() function to return True if the string is a palindrome or False otherwise. For this assignment, ignore capitalization.
isPalindrome( 'Eevee' ) returns True
isPalindrome( 'nurses run' ) returns True
isPalindrome( 'Hello There' ) returns False
Provided code:
defisPalindrome( string ):
Strings10: Letter Grade
Write a Python program that:
requests a grade between 0 and 100 from the user
displays "Your letter grade is" and then the letter grade according to the following scale:
90 or above: 'A'
80-89: 'B'
70-79: 'C'
60-69: 'D'
<60: 'F'
Use a str method to determine if the user typed something other than an integer value. Additionally, verify that the value is between 0 and 100. If the user did not enter a number or entered an invalid number, repeatedly
display "Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100"
prompt the user,
until valid input is given.
Example 1:
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): perfect
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): ABCDF
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): 85
Your letter grade is B
Example 2:
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): -4
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): -99
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): A+
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): Ok, just A
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): A
Sorry, this program only accepts values between 0 and 100.
Please enter a grade (between 0 and 100): 91
Your letter grade is A
Feel free to add more functions to this program to help separate the work. For example, you could have a validation function that returns True or False, depending on if the user input is a valid grade.