The purpose of these assignments is to help you build a strong foundation in the basics and syntax of Python programming. These assignments are designed to reinforce concepts covered in class and provide hands-on practice.
Utilize the lab sessions to work on these exercises, and reach out to your Teaching Assistant (TA) or instructor for help. You have unlimited attempts to solve and resubmit these assignments on, so use this opportunity to learn, experiment, and improve.
Submission Instructions
For each of the following practice assignments, save your solution in a .py file, with the name being "intro" followed by the number of the assignment. For example, for "Intro01: Go Cougars!", save your solution in a file named (notice the lowercase "i"). Then, submit that file to the respective assignment on .
There are two types of problems: Required and Optional/Bonus. The Required problems must be submitted to attain full credit for the codePost assignment, while Optional/Bonus problems are provided to help you practice further and deepen your understanding of Python.
To register for a free codePost account, please follow these instructions.
You can submit to codePost multiple times if you want.
Only your last submission will be graded.
From the starting date of this assignment, you have two weeks to complete and submit your solutions.
Watch this short video for a demonstration of submitting an assignment, reviewing the results and resubmitting.
Practice Assignments
Intro01: Go Cougars! (Optional/Bonus)
Create a file named and write Python code that displays:
Go Cougars!
Upload to for the "Intro01: Go Cougars!" assignment.
Intro02: Quotes (Optional/Bonus)
Write Python code so that the following text is displayed (exactly as shown):
Cody the Cougar yelled, "Let's go!"
Note, if in codePost you click on the green button "View", then on the button with a "+" and you see a log message like the following:
Cody the Cougar yelled, "Let's go!"
Cody the Cougar yelled, "Let's go!"
Then, carefully check each character. To pass the test, each character must match.
A best practice is to copy phrases from the instructions here, and paste them into your code so that you know that it will match. For this assignment, you'll need to figure out how to display both the double quotes (") and the single quote (').
Many students have had a space as the last character in their string. The solution is to remove it and resubmit.
Intro03: CSU Fight Song (Required)
Using a single call to the print() function, display the beginning of the CSU fight song (on 4 lines):
On! On! Ye Cougars!
We will fight for victory!
On! On! Ye Cougars!
We have the pride for all to see!
Note: Do not include a space after any of the "!"s. A space is a character.
Intro04: Assigning a Variable (Required)
Replace the (red) string literal '''Put your code here''' with Python code that creates a variable named letterGrade. Have letterGrade reference the value "A+".
Note: Submit your code with the print(letterGrade) statement.
Provided starter code (
'''Put your code here'''print(letterGrade)
Intro05: Number of Classes (Optional/Bonus)
Replace the (red) string literal '''Put your code here''' with Python code that creates a variable named numberOfClasses. Assign the variable numberOfClasses the number of classes that you are taking this semester (as a digit).
Provided starter code (
'''Put your code here'''print(numberOfClasses)
Intro06: 1958 (int) (Required)
Replace the (red) string literal '''Put your code here''' with Python code that creates a variable named year. Assign 1958 to the variable year so that your code displays the following:
<class 'int'>
Provided code:
'''Put your code here'''print( type( year ) )
Intro07: 1958 (str) (Optional/Bonus)
Replace the (red) string literal '''Put your code here''' with Python code that creates a variable named year. Assign 1958 to the variable year so that your code displays the following:
<class 'str'>
Provided code:
'''Put your code here'''print( type( year ) )
Intro08: Pi Approximation (Required)
The fraction 22/7 is sometimes used as a rough approximation for Pi (3.14159...). Write a Python expression that divides 22 by 7 and assigns the result to a variable named piApproximate.
Provided code:
'''Put your code here'''print( piApproximate )
Intro09: Friends and Pizza Slices (Required)
Assume that you have 22 slices of pizza and 7 friends that are going to share it (you've already eaten). There's been some arguments among your friends, so you've decided to only give people whole slices. Write a Python expression with the values 22 and 7 that calculates the number of whole slices each person would receive and assigns the result to numberOfWholeSlices.
Provided code:
'''Put your code here'''print( numberOfWholeSlices )
Intro10: Pizza for Fido (Required)
Assume that you have 22 slices of pizza and 7 people that are going to share it. There's been some arguments among your friends, so you've decided to only give people whole slices. Your pet dog Fido loves pizza. Write a Python expression with the remainder operator that calculates how many pizza slices will be left over for your dog after serving just whole slices to 7 people. Assign the result of that expression to fidos.
Provided code:
'''Put your code here'''print( fidos )
Intro11: Hello (Required)
Python allows you to get information from a user with the built-in function named input(). In, any input values are already entered, it's just waiting for a Python script to request it.
For this problem, write a Python script that prompts the user (in this case, the system) with exactly the following:
Please enter your name: will then enter a name. Assign that value to username.
Note, name is underlined to indicate that codePost will require that you use "name" to pass the test.
Example 1:
Please enter your name: PatHello Pat
Example 2:
Please enter your name: codepostHello codepost
Provided code:
'''Add code here to get input from the user (including a prompt)'''print( 'Hello', username)
Intro12: Years as Columbus College (Required)
For this problem, we're going to have python calculate the number of years that CSU was known as Columbus College. First, prompt the user to enter the year that Columbus College was renamed to be Columbus State University and assign that to a variable named csuYear. Then, prompt the user to enter the year that Columbus College was founded and assign that value to ccBirthYear.
Note, if after submitting your solution it says something like:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'
then that means that the Python interpreter does not know how to subtract one string from another. Hint: It needs those variables to be ints and not strs.
Note, if after submitting your solution the solutions says:
.+You entered 1996
.+You entered 1958
This means that you are missing a prompt. Add one and re-submit. By the way, ".+" is a regular expression. It means it was expecting one or more characters.
Provided code:
'''Prompt the user and get the year Columbus College was renamed to CSU'''print('You entered', csuYear)
'''Prompt the user and get the year Columbus College was founded from the user'''print('You entered', ccBirthYear)
print( 'CSU was known as Columbus College for its first', csuYear - ccBirthYear, 'years')
Intro13: Lowest to Highest Precedence (Required)
In math and Python, the following three statements are equivalent:
3 * 4 + 5
(3 * 4) + 5
((3 * 4) + 5)
The set of parentheses only makes the precedence order explicit.
For this problem, add sets of parentheses so that the Python expression is evaluated with the lowest order of precedence first. (See for a Python operator precedence table.) Hint, for the first expression, the operator with the lowest precedence is subtraction, so the first set of parentheses to add would be around 9 - 2.
Provided code:
'''Add parentheses so that the following expressionis evaluated from the lowest to the highestprecedence order'''
result1 = 8 / 2 ** 9 - 2print( 'result1:', result1 )
result2 = 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 / 5print( 'result2:', result2 )
result3 = 1 * 2 - 3 / 4print( 'result3:', result3 )
result4 = 66 // 7 ** 8 % 9 + 10)
print( 'result4:', result4 )
Intro14: Making Change (Required)
Implement a Python program that directs a cashier how to give change. The program has two inputs: the amount due and the amount received from the customer. Display the dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies that the customer should receive in return. In order to avoid round-off errors, the user should supply both amounts in pennies. For example, for the amount $5 and 26 cents, the user will enter 526 (instead of 5.26).
For this assignment you may need find it helpful to use // (the integer division operator) and % (the remainder operator).
We usually write computer scripts to work for all valid inputs. Your script should work for any valid input, including the examples below:
Example 1:
Enter the amount due in pennies: 828
Enter the amount received from the customer in pennies: 1000
Give the following change to the customer:
1 dollars, 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 0 nickels and 2 pennies
Example 2:
Enter the amount due in pennies: 456
Enter the amount received from the customer in pennies: 2000
Give the following change to the customer:
15 dollars, 1 quarters, 1 dimes, 1 nickels and 4 pennies
Example 3:
Enter the amount due in pennies: 401
Enter the amount received from the customer in pennies: 500
Give the following change to the customer:
0 dollars, 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 0 nickels and 4 pennies
Stuck on where to start? Perform the calculations "by-hand" or "on paper". This will allow you to work through the math and see the pattern that will work for all valid cases. Then, code part of it and put in temporary print() statements to see what's going on. For example, display the amount of change due after getting both inputs.
Still stuck? If the change is 76 cents, how do you know how many quarters are needed? You would divide the change by the amount of a quarter.
Provided code:
# Retrieve inputs# Calculate dollars to return# Calculate quarters to return# Calculate dimes to return# Calculate nickels to return# Calculate pennies to return# Display change dueprint("Give the following change to the customer:")
print( dollars, "dollars,", quarters, "quarters,", dimes, "dimes,", nickels, "nickels and", pennies, "pennies")