Selection Practice Assignments


Submission Instructions

For each of the following practice assignments, save your solution in a .py file, with the name being selections and the number of the assignment. For example, for "Selection01: isOdd", save your solution in a file named (notice the lowercase "s"). Then, submit that file the respective assignment on

Practice Assignments

Selection01: isOdd

Complete the isOdd() function to take an int value and returns True if the parameter's value is odd and False otherwise.

isOdd( 5 ) returns True
isOdd( 10 ) returns False

Provided code:
def isOdd():

def main():
    argument = 5
    returnValue = isOdd( argument )
    print( 'isOdd(',argument,') returned', returnValue)

    argument = 10
    returnValue = isOdd( argument )
    print( 'isOdd(',argument,') returned', returnValue)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Note, after completing the function, the provided code should display just the following:
isOdd( 5 ) returned True
isOdd( 10 ) returned False
Note, any time the assignment is to write a function that returns a value, then you can apply this same technique of writing a main function, calling the function that you're asked to write and displaying the result. Make sure you selectively calling the main function with:
  if __name__ == '__main__':

Selection02: Division and Remainders

Complete the canDivideNoRem() function so that it takes a dividend and divisor and returns True if the division operation can be done without a remainder and False if not.

canDivideNoRem(44, 4) returns True
canDivideNoRem(20, 3) returns False

Provided code:
def canDivideNoRem():

Selection03: Biggest Number

Complete the biggest() function so that it takes 4 numbers and returns the biggest one. Assume all values are unique (no duplicate numbers).

biggest(35, 32, 1, 9) returns 35
biggest(4, 9, 45, 3) returns 45

Provided code:
def biggest():

Selection04: Smallest Number

Complete the smallest() function so that it takes 4 numbers and returns the smallest one. Assume all values are unique (no duplicate numbers).

smallest(35, 32, 1, 9) returns 1
smallest(4, 9, 45, 3) returns 3

Provided code:
def smallest():

Selection05: Middle Number

Complete the middle() function so that it takes 3 numbers and returns the middle value.
Assume all values are unique (no duplicate numbers)

middle(35, 1, 32) returns 32
middle(14, 9, 45) returns 14

Provided code:
def middle():

Selection06: Letter Grade

Complete the letterGrade() function so that it takes a number score and returns a letter grade. Use the following scale:
90 or above: 'A'
80-89: 'B'
70-79: 'C'
60-69: 'D'
<60: 'F'

letterGrade(75) returns 'C'
letterGrade(98) returns 'A'
letterGrade(55) returns 'F'

Provided code:
def letterGrade():

Selection07: Zip Zap Zop

Complete the zipZapZop() function so that it requests an integer from the user. The function should display a response following this pattern:

Otherwise, just display the number.
Note 1: numbers that are divisible by more than one (3, 5, or 7) should contain all applicable terms.
Notes 2: Note that you are displaying directly from this function, not returning a value to the calling function.

Example 1:

Enter a number: 5

Example 2:
Enter a number: 15

Example 3:
Enter a number: 2

Hint: The number only prints if it is not divisible by ALL of 3, 5, or 7.

Provided code:
def zipZapZop():

Selection08: Speeding Ticket

Complete the speeding() function so that it takes 1) a speed and 2) a speed limit. Have the function return the total fine according to the following:
If someone is caught speeding, it is a $50 fine plus $4 for each MPH over the speed limit.
If the speed is 90 MPH or more, add another $150 fine.
If there is 25 MPH or more difference between the speed and speed limit add another $300 fine.
If someone was not speeding, the function should return: No speed violation

speeding(75, 60) returns 110
speeding(90, 75) returns 260
speeding(50, 25) returns 450
speeding(35, 40) returns 'No speed violation'

Provided code:
def speeding():