Website Project

Due Date

See the calendar for due date.


For this project, you get to design a website explaining your goals. They can be academic, personal, professional, goals or a mixture of all of them.
You get to design three webpages, one introducing your goals and another two describing your short-term and long-term goals. Name your webpage that introduces your goals goalsIntro.html. Additionally, name your other files: goalsShortTerm.html and goalsLongTerm.html. Have links on your goalsIntro.html webpage to your other webpages.

The following HTML components need to appear on one or more of the webpages: The style of each of the tags above needs to be modified from the default using a single external (separate) .css file named goalsStyles.css.

Finally, add at least one JavaScript code to enhance one or more webpages.


To submit your project, upload all of your .html files, your favicon image, your other image(s) and any music to the CS webserver.
Verify that everything looks correct on your webpages starting at: After checking your webpages, if you need to change anything, make sure that you upload all modified file(s) to the CS web server.


Points       Item
----------   --------------------------------------------------------------
_____ /  4   Correct filenames: goalsIntro.html, goalsShortTerm.html, goalsLongTerm.html and goalsStyles.css
_____ /  6   Separate .css file

             HTML Components (present and non-default style):
_____ /  5   + Table
_____ /  5   + Ordered list
_____ /  5   + Unordered list
_____ /  5   + Links
_____ /  5   + Image
_____ /  5   + Favicon
_____ /  5   + Background color or image

_____ / 10   JavaScript

_____ / 15   Overall consistent look

_____ / 70   Total

Last Modified: