Web Development

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Access

Transferring Files to/from the Computer Science's webserver using a Mac or Linux Machine

One of the easiest ways to transfer files to and from ranger0, is using scp. If you're using a Mac or a Linux system, open up the Terminal application. To do this on a Mac, either search for Terminal with Spotlight, or use the Finder application. In Finder, open up the Applications folder, then the Utilities folder. Double-click on the Terminal application in that folder. Then, in a terminal window type in something like:
scp  -r  filename.html  USERNAME@ranger0.cs.mtsu.edu:~/public_html/.
The -r flag specifies a recursive copy (meaning it will copy all specified files and directories and what's in those directories (and what's in those directories (and ...))). The syntax for the username and remote machine is just like it is for ssh with ":" after the hostname. Specify the directory that you want to transfer files to after the ":". The example above indicates to copy filename.html on the local machine to the public_html/ directory, in USERNAME's home directory on ranger. The "~/" means the home directory. The "." at the end of the path tells scp to use the same filename/directory name (in this case, filename.html). Note, this will replace any existing files.
If filename.html is not in your current directory, then you can specify where it is. For example, if it is in Desktop directory, then you type the following:
scp  -r  Desktop/filename.html  USERNAME@ranger0.cs.mtsu.edu:~/public_html/.
If the file is in your Documents directory, then replace Desktop with Documents.
If scp gives you a warning about RSA identity, you can enter "yes". It should then ask for your password. When you type it in, it will not display what you type. This is a security feature so that other people that are watching you can not know how long your password is. Don't forget to press the enter key after typing in your password.
If it's successful, it should list the file(s) that you specified with a 100% on right side.

If you're getting a warning that the file that you transferred to ranger0 is "Forbidden", then try typing in the following command:
chmod 755  filename.html
to change the permissions on filename.html. (Again, if it's in a directory, then include the directory name as described above.) Now, transfer the file again to ranger0.

If you want to transfer files from ranger to your local machine, reverse the syntax:
scp  -r  USERNAME@ranger0.cs.mtsu.edu:~/public_html/filename.html  .
Here the "." means in the current directory. You can specify a filename in the current directory or in a different directory just as explained above. Note, this will replace any existing files.

When you're tired of typing in your password every time, set-up ssh keys.

Transferring Files to/from Computer Science's webserver using a Windows Machine

If your local machine runs Windows, one free tool (of many) to transfer files to a remote machine is WinSCP. For File Protocol chose SCP. To create a session to connect to ranger0, use ranger0.cs.mtsu.edu as the host name. Use your Pipeline ID and your Computer Science account password.