PowerPoint Presentation

Due Date

See the calendar for due date.


You get to produce a MS PowerPoint Presentation about a career in your field that you're interested in. This should be a fun and relaxing presentation to highlight the career and what you're doing to prepare for it. Be sure to include information about what is needed to be a good candidate for this career, best and worst about the position, any geographic constraints and if you want, a salary range.

In addition to submitting your PowerPoint Presentation, you also need to submit a copy of the rubric. Copy-and-paste the rubric below in a Word document and include your own estimate for each of the Slides criterion.

The order of the presentations will be emailed to each student. You can expect between 5-8 presentations per class period. This means you may need to prepare to give your presentation on one day, but have to wait until the next class period to give it.

A good resource for creating a MS PowerPoint presentation is www.gcflearnfree.org/powerpoint2013.


Submit your PowerPoint presentation into the "MS PowerPoint Presentation" D2L dropbox at elearn.mtsu.edu. Additionally, submit your MS Word document with your filled-in rubric into the "MS PowerPoint Presentation - Rubric" D2L dropbox.
Note, late submissions will be ignored. If you re-submit an assignment, only the latest resubmission will be graded.


Points       Criteria
----------   --------------------------------------------------------------
_____ / 10   Ready to present (according to the emailed order)
_____ /  5   First slide has the title of your presentation (including the career discussed) and your name
_____ /  5   Used a background design theme
_____ /  5   Footer on each slide with your name and slide number (but not on the first page)
_____ /  5   Used a variety of different slide layouts
_____ / 10   Slides are visually appealing (e.g., included at least 5 graphics)
_____ /  5   Included at least 1 SmartArt graphic
_____ /  5   Included at least 1 of the following (table, chart, short video clip, sound effect, or audio clip) appropriately
_____ /  6   Included at least 3 references
_____ /  4   Final slide has list of references
_____ / 10   The number of slides was appropriate for the presentation (not too many nor too few)
_____ /  5   Uploaded the presentation using the submission system
_____ /  5   Submitted rubric (with estimates for each criterion)
_____ /  5   Appropriate opener for the presentation
_____ /  5   Made eye contact with the audience (e.g., did not read slides) (may use index cards)
_____ /  5   The presentation delivery was obviously practiced before hand
_____ / 10   Presentation did not exceed 5 minutes

_____ /      Outstanding presentation (up to 10 points extra credit)

_____ /105   Total