CS135 - Introduction to Windows '95

Number and Title of Course:

CS135 - Introduction to Windows 95

Catalog Description of Course

: An introduction to Windows 95. The student will learn how to operate, manage and control a computer using the Windows 95 operating system. (1 credit).

Course Prerequisite

: None.


: Wayne Summers
Office: SC212A Office phone: (505) 454-3230
Department phone: (505) 454-3295
e-mail address: summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu

Required Textbook(s)

Windows 95 Essentials by Laura Acklen

General Objectives

Specific Objectives

Major Topics

Instructional Methods and Techniques

Assignments for Course


COURSE OUTLINE (tentative)

WEEK Description Homework
1 Project 1 - Getting Started with Windows 95
Project 2 - Running Applications
T-F 1-5; MC 1-5;Screen ID 1-12; Skills: Help 1-3; Solitaire
T-F 1-5; MC 1-5;Skills
2 Project 3 - Working with My Computer
Exam 1 (in lab)
T-F 1-5; MC 1-5; Skills
Assignment 1
3 Project 4 - Managing Files
Project 5 - Sharing Information
T-F 1-5; MC 1-5; Skills
T-F 1-5; MC 1-5;Skills
4 Exam 2 (in lab) T-F 1-5; MC 1-5; Skills
Assignment 2

  • Assignment 1[20 pts] (due by Wednesday): Biosketch using WordPad
    Write a brief (about one page) autobiography using WordPad.

  • Assignment 2 [20 pts] (due by Wednesday): Combining applications
    Write a cover letter for a job using WordPad.
    Use Paint to draw your own personalized logo.
    Embed the logo in your letter and print the letter with the logo.