CS 351 - Systems Design and Analysis I

Number and Title of Course:

CS 351 - Systems Design and Analysis I

Catalog Description of Course:

An introduction to systems thinking and the systems analysis process. The emphasis will be on traditional analysis, design, and implementation through the data flow analysis and systems development life-cycle approaches. Student teams will perform system studies of real-world problems and develop potential solutions. (3 credits).

Course Prerequisite

: None


: Wayne Summers
Office: SC212A Office phone: (505) 454-3230
Department phone: (505) 454-3295
Office Hours: MWF 11:00-11:50 TR 10-10:50 and by appointment
e-mail address: summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu

Required Textbook(s)

Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation by John G. Burch.

General Objectives

Specific Objectives

Major Topics

Instructional Methods and Techniques

Assignments for Course


Grades may be determined according to this scale :
A 	90% - 100%					B 	80% - 89% 
C 	70% - 79% 					D 	60% - 69%

Honor Policy:

Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will be given a zero on the assignment or exam. Repeat offenders will be given an F for the course and may suffer expulsion from the university. All work must be your own. You may discuss the material in the course and help one another, however, I expect any work you hand in for a grade to be your own. Plagiarism will result in, at best, an "F" for the assignment. A simple way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to talk about the assignments, but don't read each other's work or write solutions together. Keep scratch paper and old versions of assignments until after the assignment has been graded and returned to you. If you have any questions about this, please see me immediately.

Class Attendance:

Class attendance is the responsibility of the student, and it is the student's responsibility to independently cover any material s/he may miss. Class attendance and participation may also be used in determining grades. You should attend all lab sessions. Attendance will be taken.

Makeup Exams:

Makeup exams will be given only if the instructor is notified IN ADVANCE of the exam with a legitimate reason for missing the exam.

COURSE OUTLINE (tentative)

WEEK Description Chapter
1 Systems Development Methodologies 1
2 Taking a Structured Approach and Using Modeling Tools 2
3 Systems Development Managment and Automation 3
4 Systems Planning 4
5 Systems Analysis 5
6 General Systems Design 6
7 Systems Evaluation and Selection 7
8 Designing the Systems Output 8
9 Designing the Systems Input 9
10 Designing the Systems Process 10
11 Designing the Systems Database
Designing Systems Controls
11, 12
12 Designing Networks
Designing Networks/Computer Architectures
13/14 Designing Computer Architectures