CS108 - Syllabus

September 26, 1995

Number and Title of Course: CS108 - Introduction to DOS & Windows

Catalog Description of Course: An introduction to DOS and Windows. The student will learn how to operate, manage and control a computer using the DOS operating system. The student will learn the essential components and operation of Windows. (1 credit).
Course Prerequisite: None.

Instructor: Wayne Summers Office: SC212A Office phone: (505) 454-3230
Department phone: (505) 454-3295
Office Hours: MTWR 11:00-12:00, F 10-12 and by appointment
e-mail address: wsummers@merlin.nmhu.edu
homepage: http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers

Required Textbook(s):
a. DOS 5.0, by T.J. O'Leary
b. Windows 3.1, by T.J. O'Leary

General Objectives
General Objectives of the Course are:
1) to introduce the student to the use of the computer
2) to introduce the student to the use of DOS in operating the computer
3) to learn the necessary DOS commands
4) to learn the essential components and operation of Windows
5) to learn how to operate, manage, run and use applications with Windows.

Specific Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
1) operate a DOS based computer.
2) set-up AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files
3) use the basic DOS commands to maintain a DOS file system.
4) use both Windows and non-Windows applications with Microsoft Windows.
5) use the Windows' features and applications to improve desktop productivity.

Major Topics
1) Introduction to Computers
Brief overview of the parts of the computer
2) DOS
Using the DOS operating system: "boot" and reset system, format and backup diskettes,
ii. copy and delete files, simple file-management.
iii. DOS Editor
iv. print information from screen or disk files.
3) Windows
i. Using the graphical user interface (GUI) Windows.
ii. Using Windows Accessories
iii. Running applications from Windows

Instructional Methods and Techniques
Instructional methods/techniques to be used, will include:
1) The class will meet for two one-hour fifteen minute periods each week. The first part of the class will be lecture/demonstration but most of the course will be a hands-on lab.
2) The lectures and labs should be conducted using state-of-the-art multimedia techniques including a computer projection system.
3) The labs will stress hands-on applications by the students .

Assignments for Course
Assignments for students in the course will include:
1) Readings from the textbook(s)
2) Lab assignments from the textbook(s) as well additional problems assigned by the instructor

Evaluation will be based upon the following:
1) Exams over the lab work. The exams will be conducted in the lab using the computers (100 pts).
2) Homework including lab assignments (100 pts).

COURSE OUTLINE (tentative)
WEEK Description Homework
1 Introduction, Getting Started DOS 54-Matching 1-10 Using DOS Fill-in 1,3 2 Using DOS to manage your disk DOS 95-Matching 1-10 Fill-in 1,3 3 Advanced DOS - Using the Editor Use the Editor to write DOS Exam (in lab) a brief autobiography Exploring Windows - Program Manager 4 More About Windows - File Manager WIN41-Matching 1-10 Windows Applications Fill-in 1-2 5 Advanced Windows Applications WIN88-Matching 1-10 Windows EXAM - (in lab) Fill-in 1-2