Push Web Server: Pointcast Installation on NT

Basic Concepts of push web technology

    Push web server is a network software that can "push" information to clients so clients can read this information without browsing on the net. It is a new technology that can deliver the information to client computers directly. It can save time of searching and network bandwidth.
    Pointcast is a push web network. It can broadcast news to clients up-to-the-minute, and it enables enterprise intranet to broadcast information to its employee as soon as possible. After pointcast network is installed, it will replace your screen saver with the latest headline news as your choice:

Personalized SmartScreens keep you informed

Reasons of choosing Pointcast

    1. You don't want to spend a lot of time on the internet to find  the news that you want.
    2. Internet information can be broadcast to other computers by push web server.
    3. It totally free. Cost is covered by its advertiser.
    4. You can choose the information you want from a lot of news service.

How pointcast works?

    Pointcast collects news and information from over 700 quality sources worldwide and broadcasts it via network to viewer's computer directly. This kind of network service is quite like TV station. And it's better than that. You can just receive the information you want but not a lot of other news.

    You can customize your client to tell the server what kind of news you want to read. For example, you want to read news on the internet about NYSE and politics of mid-east. You can just customize your pointcast client to receive these delivery. That's much easier and saves you time comparing with searching them. and it can save your computer network's resource greatly.

Pushing information in intranet

    Pointcast tools can be installed in intranet to push enterprise information to employees' desktops. Keeping employees on top of the news and events affecting your business. This kind of tools can be installed in LAN of company to push the news and notice out to employees. Here I installed a Pointcast Intranet Broadcast Manager.

Installation of pointcast intranet broadcasting manager

Step 1. Create a plan for your intranet broadcast
    Before installing pointcast intranet broadcasting manager, following questions must be answered.
    What type of information will be broadcast?
    How the channel will be organized?
    Who will be responsible for providing the information?
    How often it will be updated.

Step 2. Build your intranet channel
    After the plan is in place, you can download and install pointcast intranet broadcasting manager. When installing, intranet broadcast manager takes the information you provide about a new channel in following window:

Step 3. Test and fully deploy your intranet channel
    After all the installation finished, you can test your server to see if it works as you want it be. A limited number of clients can be choosen for test mode.
    If it works successfully in the testing, you can switch it to a final mode. That will offer pointcast service to your business.