Performance Parameters Defined in ATM Class Defintions

CBR (Constant Bit Rate)

Connection oriented service designed for clear channel voice and high quality video service.  Used for broadcast quality full motion video, and voice.  If voice packet is lost, it cannot be resent.  Should have performance equivalent to comparable private lines (T1 or greater).

rt-VBR (Real-Time Bit Rate)

Variable bit-rate connection-oriented service designed for packetized (compressed) video or streaming video such as H323 or IP/TV service.  Requires less priority than voice, if a pixel in a video frame is lost, one still sees the video (with a bit less quality), but with voice one looses a section of the conversation.

nrt-VBR (Non-Real-Time Bit Rate)

Variable bit-rate connection-oriented data transfer service, similar to current frame relay services.  While a frame relay switch accumulates all frames it transmits before beginning to send any of them, this ATM class service encapsulates frames into cells and sends them when received.  Demonstratable through the sending of a still image over a network.

ABR (Available Bit Rate)

Variable bit-rate connectionless data transfer service.  Intended for interoperation of LAN protocols such as TCP/IP or Novel's SPX/IPX, metropolitan area network protocols such as SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service).  If IP traffic is lost, an edge device will resend it later.

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