More on LANs


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More on LANs

More on LANs

Ethernet Recap

Original Ethernet Versus 802.3 10Base5

Ethernet 10Base5

Ethernet 10Base5

Ethernet 10Base5

Ethernet 10Base5

Ethernet 10Base-5

Ethernet 10Base2 (802.3a)

Ethernet 10Base2 (802.3a)

Repeaters can Mix 802.3 PHY Standards

Ethernet II vs 802.3 Frames

Ethernet II vs 802.3 Frames

Ethernet II vs 802.3 Frames

802.2 LLC Layer Functions

802.2 LLC Layer Functions

802.2 LLC Frame

802.2 LLC Frame

802.2 LLC Frame

802.2 LLC Frame

802.2 LLC Frame

Author: Wayne Summers


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