Chapter 5 - Systems Analysis

A) Introduction - Major tasks of Systems Analysis

B) Relationship between Systems Analysis and Systems Development?

ICEBERG EFFECT - systems maintenance 80-90% of systems resources

outmoded methods produce systems that are:

  1. difficult to maintain
  2. unusable without major upgrades
  3. unreliable
  4. difficult to extend

Using Modern Methods to Reduce the Iceberg Effect (Fig. 5.3 & 5.4)

C) Defining Scope of a New System

sources of study facts:

  1. What should the New System Include?
  2. What information is needed?
  3. Who needs it?
  4. When is it needed?
  5. In what form is it required?
  6. Where does it originate?
  7. When and how can it be collected?

The Current System

  1. What role does the current system have?
  2. Is the current system any good?
  3. Good enough?
  4. Should I analyze and model the current system?
  5. What subsystems in the current system should be analyzed?

D) Techniques for gathering Additonal Information


Steps in Sampling Plan

  1. Step 1: Determine Sampling Objectives
  2. Step 2: Define the Population and the Sampling Unit
  3. Step 3: Specify the Characteristic of Interest
  4. Step 4: Determine the Sample Size
  5. Step 5: Determine the Sample Selection Method and Execute It random number sampling systematic sampling block sampling
  6. Step 6: Evaluate the Sample Results and Make an Inference


  1. Getting Ready
  2. Identify and define what is going to be observed
  3. Estimate the length of time this observation will require
  4. Secure proper management approval
  5. Explain to the parties being observed what will be done and why
  6. Conducting the Observation - analyst should become familar with surroundings and components periodically not the time note what is observed as specifically as possible refrain from making qualitative / value-judgement comments show proper courtesy and observe safety regulations
  7. Document and Organize Observation Notes

E) Concluding Systems Analysis and Communicating the Findings

Preparing the Systems Analysis Report

Report (for users, general and system management & steering comm.)

Presenting the Findings

Possible Outcomes of Systems Analysis

Exercises: look over 1-27 ; turn in 5.28, 5.30, 5.31, 5.38, 5.41
