Chapter 3 - Systems Development Managment and Automation

A) What is Project Management? (Fig. 3.1)

  • Planning
  • Organizing (Fig. 3.2)

    Organizing the work for the SDLC:

    SDLC Phase

    Project Team

    Systems Planning steering committee
    project team formed
    Systems Analysis business systems analysts
    General Systems Design business systems analysts & some technical support people
    Systems Evaluation and Selection same as above & accounting
    Detailed Systems Analysis systems & technical designers
    Systems Implementation systems analysts, programmers & technicians

    Organizing the Work for People- and Technical-Oriented Phases (Fig. 3.3)

    What makes a good leader?

    B) Project Management Techniques

    C) Computer-Aided Systems and Software Systems (CASE) (Fig. 3.5)

    Central Repository (DBMS) contains:

    Exercises: look over 1-25 ; turn in 3.26, 3.27, 3.33, 3.34
