Chapter 12 - Designing Systems Controls

A) Introduction

threats to an IS:

Controls: Preventive, Detective, Corrective

B) Controlling the Integrity of the Data Entered in the System


Code Controls - code errors (extra character, truncation, transcription, single and double transposition)

Input Validation Controls

Input Identification Controls


Batch Controls (Fig. 12.4)

Audit Trail Controls

C) Guard against Unreliable Software

D) Controlling the Integrity of the Systems Output

levels of sensitivity: TOP-SECRET, RESTRICTED, PUBLIC

Real-Time Systems Output Controls (Fig. 12.7)

Telecommunication Controls:


Terminal Controls:

access controls, screen savers, position of terminals

Floppy Disk Controls:

diskless workstations

Batch System Output Controls (Fig. 12-10) -

separate responsibilities

E) Protecting the Database

Database Backup and Recovery - Grandfather-Father-Son

> Offsite Backup

> Onsite Backup

F) Protecting the Hardware Technology

Mainframe Data Center Controls

physical location, construction, filtration, air con, backup water, emanation protection (Transient EMP Emanations Standard (TEMPEST)), fire suppression systems, UPSs

Personal Computer Controls

environmental controls, physical controls, database controls

G) Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

H) Controlling Access to Data

ids & passwords, smart cards, biometric controls

Computer Crime, Security, and Computer Viruses

Exercises: look over 1-34; turn in 12.41, 12.43, 12.45
