Chapter 1 - Systems Development Methodologies


A) People and Systems Design

B) The Challenge to Develop Better Information Systems

The Software Crisis

symptoms -

  1. late completion,
  2. cost overruns,
  3. not reliable,
  4. user-friendly, etc.

1979 study by U.S. Comptroller General: all government-contracted software

Factors contributing to the software crisis:

What makes a system Unsuccessful?

  1. did not support business strategies & objectives
  2. poor systems planning & inadequate project management
  3. failure to define/understand user requirements
  4. negligence in estimating costs/benefits
  5. creation of a myriad of design defects/errors
  6. computers/software that no one needs or knows how to use
  7. incompatible / inadequate technology
  8. negligence in implementing adequate controls
  9. unstructured /unmaintainable software
  10. inadequate implementation tasks

What makes a system successful?

  1. stressing user involvement
  2. implementing systems planning
  3. using project management techniques
  4. developing alternative systems design for evaluation before making major commitments
  5. designing all components functionally
  6. using detailed functional design as a guide
  7. preparing clear, complete, and current documentation
  8. using coordinated, planned approach to systems implementation
  9. performing postimplementation reviews
  10. designing for and performing systems maintenance


C) Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - (Fig. 1.1)

Feasibility Factors (TELOS)

Strategic Factors (PDM)

Back-end Phases of Systems Development (Fig. 1.3)


software development life cycle

  1. software designing
  2. software coding
  3. software testing
  4. documentation
  5. implementation

D) Maintaining the System after it is Implemented

longest and costliest phase of the systems life cycle


E) Using Prototyping to Design a Working System Model


F) The Information Engineering Methodology

Information Engineering Life Cycle (IELC)

Information Engineering Methodology (IEM)

Ideal Systems Development Methodology

G) Joint Application Development: A Technique for involving Users in Systems Development (Fig. 1.8)

Exercises: look over 1-18, 23; turn in 19-22
