As you begin development using the Netscape AppFoundry applications and tools, look to these forums to connect with colleagues, Netscape, and the developers who brought you this software. You'll find a forum for each step of intranet development - from planning and investigating technology through implementation.

Available Forums

Topics Discussed

Application Environment: Installation and Setup Forum Post your questions about installation and configuration of the Netscape/Informix environment and the applications. (Please refer to the Netscape Product User Groups below for general technical discussions.)

Sample subject: "Why is my Enterprise Server not connecting to the Informix database?"

Application Forums There is a forum for each reusable application, where you can ask questions and share experiences about the applications you've downloaded or plan to use.

Sample subject: "How can I leverage your application to work with my existing human resources system?"

Development Tools Forums Discuss the Netscape AppFoundry Web tools with the developers and your colleagues.

Sample subject: "Will your tool let me create a form that accesses data from three different databases?"

Netscape Product User Groups You'll find a wealth of information and experience in these groups, available for Netscape Servers, Navigator, LiveWire, and other product topics.

Sample subject: "I need to give multiple web servers the same name. Is this possible with Enterprise Server on NT 3.51?"

Intro to Netscape ONE Forum If you're new to Java, JavaScript, and other Netscape ONE technologies, look to this group to get started with your development.

Sample subject: "When should I use Java rather than JavaScript?"

Advanced Technology Newsgroups (for Netscape DevEdge members) Netscape DevEdge program members can participate in a variety of forums on advanced technologies such as plug-ins, advanced JavaScript, APIs, and more.

Sample subject: "How can you programmatically update more than one frame with one click?"

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