ReachLite by Replicon allows customers and customer service representatives to research a problem or report a problem and track its status.

Visit Replicon for a live demo of the ReachLite application.

Replicon is a software development and Internet consulting firm headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Replicon's focus is on delivering innovative business solutions using open Internet technologies. Replicon's Reach is a complete customer service/help desk solution that uses Internet technologies to provide all the major customer service/help desk features.

Replicon also offers ReachPro, available for purchase directly from Replicon. Custom implementation of ReachLite and ReachPro is also available.

If you have any questions, please call Replicon at 403/262-6519, send email to Raj Narayanaswamy at, or check out our Web site at

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"We wanted our application to run on all clients and support all major servers and databases. Nothing came close to the Netscape ONE environment!"

Windows NT version
Unix version

ReachLite gives customers a tool to research and track their problems using Internet/intranet technology. It reduces the cost of running a customer service/help desk department while improving the quality of support.

ReachLite consists of four major views:

  • Administrator's View
  • Manager's View
  • Customer Service Rep's View
  • Customer's View

    Customers (on an intranet or the Internet) can research their problems using the FAQ and tech notes menu. They can also report a problem and track the status of that problem.

    Customer service representatives can add, modify, or delete FAQs and tech notes. They can also assign, add comments and solutions, change status, and so on to customer-reported problems.

    Managers can produce statistical reports about the customer service process.

    Administrators can add, modify, or delete users, products, and problem priorities. They can also set the access level for each user. ReachLite provides a way to incorporate other relevant information, such as tutorials, in the customer menus. Administrators can specify those URLs.

    User Profile
    ReachLite can be used by medium-sized to large companies in either an intranet or Internet environment to support internal customers (as a help desk application) or external customers (as a customer service application).

    Of Interest to Developers

  • Commonly used client-side JavaScripts are stored in the database and dynamically added to the document.
  • ReachLite shows how you can blend in external URLs related to the customer service context as part of the application.
  • ReachLite uses four distinct LiveWire applications to support four different types of users. This keeps access control implementation simple.

    Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

  • ReachLite's Customer Service screen illustrates the ability of this application to provide dynamic data and reports to a representative assisting customers with trouble calls. ReachLite provides other views in the application to access public and private information.

    Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Federal Sales: 415/937-3678
    If you have any questions, please visit
    Customer Service.

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