USWeb WorldPort specializes in client-server and database solutions for sales and marketing information systems and Internet commerce. USWeb WorldPort is committed to providing effective, total systems solutions for companies leveraging internal web networks and the global Internet for their competitive advantage. USWeb WorldPort plans to achieve this by offering world-class hardware, software, tools, and consulting services. For more information, please send email to USWeb WorldPort.

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Windows NT version
UNIX version

  A typical sales cycle usually requires ongoing communications and research to secure product certification, qualification, assignments, or other milestones. Sales Project Manager tracks customer information gathered through this long, involved process and makes it easily accessible to the entire sales team, including those in remote offices or on the road. In particular, it gathers information including customer project or program specifics, key contacts and team members, action items, communications, and other information.

Easy-to-use forms simplify data entry, querying, and reporting. Reports include Weekly Sales Activity, Action Item Summary by Customer Project, and Communications Log Summary by Contact. Sales Project Manager delivers useful, real-time information by using a relational database back end.

User Profile
Sales and marketing professionals.

Of Interest to Developers

  • A database-generated list of values for certain field entries reduces data-entry errors.
  • The architecture allows for database-driven hyperlinks, enabling context-specific drill-downs.
  • Client objects are used to maintain state information for a given user session (for example, to keep track of log-in and project identification).

    Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

  • Sales Project Manager is designed for ease of inputting and accessing any data related to projects - team members, contact information, conversations, status, and more. It is an effective tool for collaborative efforts, and can be used as an everyday client phone directory through the searchable company and contact screens.

    Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Federal Sales: 415/937-3678
    If you have any questions, please visit
    Customer Service.

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