Netscape Communications Corporation is a leading provider of open software for linking people and information over enterprise networks and the Internet. The company offers a full line of clients, servers, development tools, and commercial applications to create a complete platform for next-generation, live online applications. Traded on NASDAQ under the symbol "NSCP," Netscape Communications Corporation is based in Mountain View, California.

UNIX version

  PowerStart is the application that gives thousands of Netscape Navigator users a personlized start page for the Internet. Using a simple point-and-click interface, PowerStart users can consolidate all of the features they access most often - including hotlinks to internal or external sites, FTP sites, email addresses, and newsgroups - into a personalized page.

Interested developers can use PowerStart as a model for creating similar applications for use within the enterprise, replacing the general-interest options with corporation-specific options. The fully commented code enables JavaScript programmers to see how to enter the emerging genre of user-customized applications.

To see PowerStart live on the Internet, click the PowerStart link from the Netscape home page.

User Profile
Employees in medium- to large-sized companies.

Of Interest to Developers

  • This mature, complete application thoroughly demonstrates JavaScript and cookie technology.
  • Fully commented code and optimized, executable code are both included.
  • To enhance performance, the JavaScript that creates a PowerStart page runs locally on the user's machine rather than on a remote server.
  • Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

    PowerStart walks users through the process of developing a custom start page, based on a template created by the administrator. It gives users quick access to their most-used links in a page layout they enjoy using.

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    Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation