Austin-Hayne provides out-of-the-box intranet software applications that help lead human resources departments into the intranet age. You can run a live demonstration of Austin-Hayne's Job Listing Center, Company Directory, and Employee Self Service Center applications.

In addition to breaking new ground in intranet tools, the San Mateo, California-based company has helped thousands of corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, MCI, Chrysler, and Apple, with its flagship product, Employee Appraiser. Send email for additional sales or technical information.

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Windows NT version
UNIX version

  Job Listing Center (JLC) automates the process of posting job listings on an intranet, saving time and reducing paperwork. JLC automatically creates an HTML page for each listing, which is immediately accessible on the site. Employees and candidates can browse through open positions, perform searches down to specific job requirements, and apply online.

Hiring managers can view job applicants' responses and resumes online, sort for the best candidates, reply to applicants via email, or forward resumes to other managers. Unlike static job listings, JLC automatically captures all applicant data in a relational database, reducing administrative follow-up by human resources and hiring managers. JLC is an effective alternative to expensive proprietary résumé scanning systems, and is easily extended for recruiting via a company's Internet site.

User Profile
Employees, job applicants, human resources staff, and hiring managers.

Of Interest to Developers

  • JLC offers extensive examples of advanced server-side JavaScript techniques.
  • The program uses frames and other advanced layout features.
  • Complete, well-documented source code for the entire application includes installation instructions.
  • The applicant and job-posting data fields are easily customizable.
  • Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

    Human resources and hiring managers post and process open positions in Job Listing Center (JLC). Browse or do drill-down searches by hiring manager, job, department, and location. Job requisition details and resumes - submitted through JLC - are a hyperlink away. JLC is ideal for either internal or external recruiting.

    Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Federal Sales: 415/937-3678
    If you have any questions, please visit Customer Service.

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