The Focal Salary Review Tool by Netscape enables managers to view employees' current salary information and determine performance ratings and merit increases.

Windows NT version
Unix version

The Focal Salary Review Tool helps managers complete performance reviews. It displays current salary information for a given manager's employees. The manager inputs performance ratings, and the application calculates the recommended merit increase for each employee. (The manager can later override this recommendation if needed.) The application also sums total merit increases awarded by a manager, as well as the recommended merit increases, and displays the delta.

Human resources managers have reporting available to list all managers and their respective totals. A report can be run at any time during the focal process.

User Profile
Small- to medium-size companies and companies with a compensation philosophy that incorporates a merit matrix to determins recommended merit increases based on performance rating and quartile positioning.

Of Interest to Developers

  • Administration capabilities centralize maintenance of employee records and the salary/performance matrix.
  • Access can be restricted to various managers' workgroups.
  • Employee compensation and grade level are automatically calculated.

    Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

  • The Focal Salary Review Tool by Netscape enables managers to view employees' current salary information and determine performance ratings and merit increases.

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