Manual 3 is a San Jose, California-based web-development company with a solid background in technical documentation, intranet solutions, web-based training, and online help. Charged with developing Netscape's major intranet sites, as well as World Wide Web and intranet sites for firms such as Sun Microsystems, Hyundai Electronics America, and Octel, Manual 3 has taken a lead in deploying useful strategies for web site architecture, navigation, and interaction.

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Windows NT version
UNIX version

Vendor Information Submission Form. Purchasing departments can use Manual 3's Vendor Information Submission Form to collect uniform information from various departments that work with outside vendors. Employees access the form via the intranet and can easy fill it out and submit it to the necessary approvers.

Expense Report Form. Manual 3's Expense Report Form gives intranet users an easy way to report their expenses without using a separate application. The form first verifies all fields and then calculates the output, to ensure accuracy.

Check Request Form. Manual 3's Check Request Form replaces paper-based forms, reducing costs and expediting requests. Employees can easily submit requests, which are formatted electronically. The form's JavaScript validates all input before allowing transmission.

User Profile
Any enterprise department interested in communicating corporate or employee information via the intranet.

Of Interest to Developers

  • These forms demonstrate the integration of client-side JavaScript to create complex but user-friendly Internet and intranet applications.
  • The Vendor Information Submission Form uses Netscape Navigator's mail capability to generate email based on user input, rather than requiring risk-prone CGI scripts.
  • The Expense Report form showcases manipulation and verification of form input and demonstrates JavaScript's ability to produce dynamic HTML as output.

    Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

  • Manual 3 forms are designed with a straightforward interface that makes it easy for employees to quickly input data and process their transactions. Accuracy of calculations is ensured through JavaScript field validation.

    Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Federal Sales: 415/937-3678
    If you have any questions, please visit Customer Service.

    Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation