CSG Interactive specializes in the design and implementation of intranets and Intranet software for companies and organizations. The company combines custom application programming with best-of-breed software to provide communication, collaboration, and workflow solutions. Based in Southern California, CSG is committed to providing enterprise network solutions that allow companies to perform at unprecedented levels of effectiveness. Send email to isurvey@csg-i.com or call 714/573-2900 for more information.

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Windows NT version
UNIX version

iSurvey automates the process of building and collecting employee surveys. Using a highly dynamic Question Builder screen, the survey administrator can rapidly produce an employee survey with questions of many types, including yes/no, true/false, multiple choice, range of response, and short answer. After employees have filled out and submitted their surveys, the administrator can review summary statistics that include the number of completed surveys, the number of completed questions, bar charts for each question indicating percentage responses for each answer, and a listing of all the short answer responses submitted.

iSurvey is ideal for systematically gathering employee opinions on a variety of issues, such as proposed policy changes, workplace environment changes, program effectiveness, communication effectiveness, process and product improvement, and smoking.

User Profile
Workgroups and enterprises of any size that seek an efficient method for soliciting employee opinions on important issues.

Of Interest to Developers

  • iSurvey uses cookies to limit the number of survey submissions by employees.
  • A highly dynamic Question Builder screen allows questions to be built and edited on the fly.
  • iSurvey generates client-side HTML on the fly.

    Installation instructions are included with the download.

  • CSG Interactive's iSurvey automates the process of building and collecting surveys.

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