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Windows NT version
UNIX version

  Matriculation Station combines an easy-to-produce online course catalog with a fast and efficient registration system for intranets and the Internet. Employees and students can conveniently browse through course lists, search for courses by title or topic, and apply for admission via the intranet. Information includes course prerequisites, cost, and location. Customizable controls determine eligibility and enable printing of class rosters. Matriculation Station automatically emails students with their enrollment status, and reasons for acceptance or denial. For administrators, the forms-based system streamlines the process of posting course information and registering students.

User Profile
Employees of medium- to large-sized companies offering employee training and career development courses, and postsecondary students and admissions officers.

Of Interest to Developers

  • Quickly specify or modify eligibility criteria with a built-in table-based system.
  • The program is extensible, so you can add functionality for tracking continuing education credits and reporting for licensing in fields such as law, medicine, and real estate.
  • Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

    Matriculation Station provides flexible options for browsing or searching available courses. Upon finding a desired course, "students" can enroll online. Using a separate Admin area, the course curriculum manager can easily update listings.

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