To conclude this, we decided that this elementary was not a difficult plan to draft. The school is so simply designed other than the asbestos. The elementary school is located in a very rural area, therefore the students in this elementary will benefit greatly from this networking plan. The students will be able to access the Internet and the teachers will also have access to this and to E-Mail. The other advantage would be the sharing that will be able to take place through the network. The fact that the elementary is located nearly 20 minutes from the central location of the school district will allow sharing of very important information and all around the world. for an elementary school of this nature, they will as update with elementary schools located in larger cities. This school will no longer be secluded, they will be able to access any information that any other networked school can access. These student will not be faced with ignorance of computers and computer networking when entering into a higher level of education.


This plan was done as feasibly as possible to minimize costs for the district and to allow the most adequate system as possible. Throughout our project we were assisted by Dr. Wayne Summers and the Las Vegas City Schools officials. This project was previously done in elementary's located within Las Vegas, so we were able to examine those plans to make an adequate evaluation of what was to be done. The materials and proper cable will be purchased by the school. The net day will be conducted by Las Vegas City School officials, New Mexico Highland University Computer Science faculty, students, and students in Networking in the Business Environment. The parents will be asked to be active in the net day. These net days are made possible with all the above considerations.