MIS 420/520 Networking in a Business Environment Lab 2

LAB ASSIGNMENT 2 (Due October 14, 1997) - Troubleshooting Windows '95

The following assignment introduces Troubleshooting Windows '95. You will be expected to administer and use Windows 95 network to answer some networking questions.

Excerpts from Troubleshooting chapter in INSIDE TCP/IP Second Edition New Rider's Publishing, 1995.
"What does it take to be a "Super-Tech" in the TCP/IP networking environment? the answer to this quetion is simple; you must have the following:

Examining the Six-Step Troubleshooting Procedure

  1. Recognizing symptoms
  2. Elaborating on symptoms
  3. Listing probable faults
  4. Localizing the faulty function
  5. Localizing and repairing the actual problem
  6. analyzing the failure

Some Windows '95 Networking Tools:

  1. right-mouse click on Network Neighborhood to access the W95 Network Properties
  2. Control Panel | Network
  3. Control Panel | System | Device Manager
  4. Start|Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Net Watcher
  5. Start|Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Monitor
  6. The DOS program WINIPCFG.EXE

Use one of the Windows 95 computers in the SH102 lab to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the computer name and workgroup?
  2. What kind of network card is installed in the computer?
  3. List the protocols installed on the computer.
  4. Which protocol is selected as the default protocol on the computer?
  5. What is the IP address for the computer?
  6. What is the address of the gateway for the computer?
  7. What is the address of the computer's domain name server?
  8. What is the physical address of the computer's NIC?
  9. What IRQ is used by the network card?

e-mail the answers to the questions before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 14.