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Chapter 14 - Writing and Presenting the Systems Proposal

  1. Methods Available
    1. organizing the content
    2. writing in a professional style
    3. orally presenting the proposal in an informative way
  2. The Systems Proposal
    Organizing the Systems Proposal
    • What to include in the Systems Proposal
      1. Cover letter
      2. Title page of project
      3. Table of contents
      4. Executive summary (including recommendations)
      5. Outline of systems study with appropriate documentation
      6. Detailed results of the systems study
      7. Systems alternatives (three or four possible solutions)
      8. Systems analysts' recommendations
      9. Proposal summary
      10. Appendices (assorted documentation, summary of phases, correspondence, etc.)
    • Choosing a Writing Style
    • Use Figures for Effective Communication
      • Effective Use of Tables
      • Effective Use of Graphs
      • Effective Use of Scheduling Charts and Diagrams
      • Guidelines for Using Figures in the Systems Proposal
    • Adopting a Unified Proposal Style
      Visual and Formating Considerations
      • Use of white space
      • Use of headings / subheadings
      • Page numbering
      • References and appendices
  3. Presenting the Systems Proposal
    • Understanding the Audience
    • Organizing the Systems Proposal Presentation
      • Planning the Introduction and Conclusion
      • Fielding Questions
      • Using Visuals
      • Taking a PC into the Presentation
    • Using Presentation in Graphics Packages
      1. Use templates provided
      2. Use a combination of text and graphics
      3. Include no more than 5 key points per slice
      4. Use colots in a meaningful way.
      5. Use clip art with text to add humor and to reinforce your points.
      6. Use sound judiciously to reinforce points.
      7. Take a multimedia (hypermedia) approach.
    • Principles of Delivery
      1. Project load enough so that the audience can hear you.
      2. Look at each person in the audience as you speak.
      3. Make visuals large enough so that the audience can see them.
      4. Use gestures that are natural to your conversational style.
      5. Introduce and conclude your talk confidently.


Exercises: (due - noon Nov. 12, 1998)
e-mail to your answers to the following problems: 1

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