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Chapter 1 - Assuming the Role of the Systems Analyst

  1. Information as an Organizational Resource
    • Managing Information as a Resource
    • Managing Computer-Generated Information
  2. Systems Analysis and Design Concepts
    • Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
    • Office Automation Systems and Knowledge Work Systems (OAS) & (KWS)
    • Management Information Systems (MIS)
    • Decision Support Systems (DSS)
    • Expert Systems and AI
    • Group Decision Support Systems and Computer Supported Collaborative Work Systems (GDSS) & (CSCWS)
    • Executive Support Systems (ESS)
    • Need for Systems Analysis and Design
    • End Users
  3. Role of The Systems Analyst
    • Systems Analyst as a Consultant
    • Systems Analyst as Supporting Expert
    • Systems Analyst as Agent of Change
    • Qualities of the Systems Analyst (problem solver, communicator, ethical, self-disciplined, self-motivated)
  4. The Systems Development Life Cycle
    • Identifying Problems, Opportunities, and Objectives
    • Determining Information Requirements
    • Analyzing Systems Needs
    • Designing the Recommended System
    • Developing and Documenting Software
    • Testing and Maintaining the System
    • Implementing and Evaluating the System
    • The Impact of Maintenance
      1. Users often request additional features after they become familiar with the computer system and its capabilities
      2. The business changes over time.
      3. Hardware and software are changing at an accelerated pace.
  5. Using CASE Tools
    • Increasing Analyst Productivity
    • Improving Analyst-User Communication
    • Integrating Life Cycle Activities
    • Accurately Assessing Maintenance Changes
  6. Upper and Lower CASE
    • Upper CASE Tools (allows analyst to create and modify the system design)
    • Lower CASE Tools (used to generate computer source code)
  7. Software Reverse Engineering and Reengineering
  8. Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design
  9. Need for Structured Analysis and Design
  10. Alternative Methodologies (prototyping, ETHICS, project champion approach, Soft Systems Methodology, Mutliview)


Exercises: (due - noon Sept. 1, 1998)
e-mail to your answers to the following questions: pg. 24 - 1, 8, 11
Explore the MRE HyperCase company and e-mail the answers to the questions [This can be done in a group of 2-3]

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