CS 351 - Systems Design and Analysis I / MIS 370 - Information Analysis

Number and Title of Course:

CS 351 - Systems Design and Analysis I / MIS 370 - Information Analysis

Catalog Description of Course:

An introduction to systems thinking and the systems analysis process. The emphasis will be on traditional analysis, design, and implementation through the data flow analysis and systems development life-cycle approaches. Student teams will perform system studies of real-world problems and develop potential solutions. (3 credits).

Course Prerequisite

: None


: Wayne Summers
Office: SCA207B Office phone: (505) 454-3230
Department phone: (505) 454-3295
Office Hours: MW 10:00-10:50 TR 4-4:50 F 9-9:50 and by appointment
e-mail address: summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu

Required Textbook(s)

Systems Analysis and Design 4th Edition by Kendall & Kendall, Prentice-Hall (ISBN 0-13-646621-4).

General Objectives

Specific Objectives

Major Topics

  1. Systems Analysis Fundamentals
    1. Assuming the Role of the Systems Analyst
    2. Understanding Organizational Style and Its Impact on Information Systems
    3. Determining Feasibility and Managing Analysis and Design Activities
  2. Information Requirements Analysis
    1. Sampling and Investigating Hard Data
    2. Interviewing
    3. Using Questionnaires
    4. Observing Decision-Making Behavior and The Office Environment
    5. Prototyping
  3. The Analysis Process
    1. Using Data Flow Diagrams
    2. Analyzing Systems Using Data Dictionaries
    3. Describing Process Specifications and Structured Decisions
    4. Analyzing Semistructured Decision Support Systems
    5. Preparing the Systems Proposal
    6. Writing and Presenting the Systems Proposal
  4. The Essentials of Design
    1. Designing Effective Output
    2. Designing Effective Input
    3. Designing The File or Database
    4. Designing the User Interface
    5. Designing Accurate Data-Entry Procedures
  5. Software Engineering and Implementation

Instructional Methods and Techniques

  1. The class will meet for two one-hour and fifteen minute lecture/discussion periods. Some of these classes will be held in the computer lab.
  2. Some lectures may be supplemented with videos to allow students access to information not currently available on campus.
  3. The course may also include lectures by invited speakers and visits to local industries and research labs.
  4. The labs should stress hands-on designing by the students.
  5. The course will also include reports from the students on the system they are designing.

Assignments for Course

  1. Readings from the textbook.
  2. Outside reading from popular computing and periodicals like Byte, ComputerWorld, Datamation PC Magazine etc.
  3. Readings from documents found on the Internet.
  4. Readings from the class Discussion Group.
  5. Lab assignments will include -
    1. systems planning and analysis using CASE tools and Microsoft Project
    2. analysis and design of a small project done in pairs
    3. assisting in the analysis and design of a class project
  6. Possible Projects Topics might include:
    1. parts of the campus's New Student ID System
    2. personal property database for security
    3. departmental advising system
    4. project selected by students and approved by instructor.


  1. Homework including lab assignments and/or frequent quizzes on material discussed in class and lab. (200 - 250 pts).
  2. The students would be expected to summarize their readings in a weekly journal. These journals should be submitted electronically to my e-mail account (5 pts each week). Students will also be expected to take part in discussions on the class's Listserver - SDA (up to 100 pts).
  3. Small group project which will include an oral and written report to the class on the system designed (100 pts). Written reports must be completed using a word processor like Microsoft's Word. Oral presentations must be completed and presented using presentation software like Microsoft's PowerPoint.
  4. Participation in a class project and final presentation (100 pts). Written reports must be completed using a word processor like Microsoft's Word. Oral presentations must be completed and presented using presentation software like Microsoft's PowerPoint

Grades may be determined according to this scale :
A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69%

Honor Policy:

Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will be given a zero on the assignment or exam. Repeat offenders will be given an F for the course and may suffer expulsion from the university. All work must be your own. You may discuss the material in the course and help one another, however, I expect any work you hand in for a grade to be your own. Plagiarism will result in, at best, an "F" for the assignment. A simple way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to talk about the assignments, but don't read each other's work or write solutions together. Keep scratch paper and old versions of assignments until after the assignment has been graded and returned to you. If you have any questions about this, please see me immediately.

Class Attendance:

Class attendance is the responsibility of the student, and it is the student's responsibility to independently cover any material s/he may miss. Class attendance and participation may also be used in determining grades. You should attend all lab sessions. Attendance will be taken.

COURSE OUTLINE (tentative)

WEEK Description Chapter
1-2 PART I Systems Analysis Fundamentals
  1. Assuming the Role of the Systems Analyst
  2. Understanding Organizational Style and Its Impact on Information Systems
  3. Determining Feasibility and Managing Analysis and Design Activities
3-6 PART II Information Requirements Analysis
  1. Sampling and Investigating Hard Data
  2. Interviewing
  3. Using Questionnaires
  4. Observing Decision-Making Behavior and The Office Environment
  5. Prototyping
7-10 PART III The Analysis Process
  1. Using Data Flow Diagrams
  2. Analyzing Systems Using Data Dictionaries
  3. Describing Process Specifications and Structured Decisions
  4. Analyzing Semistructured Decision Support Systems
  5. Preparing the Systems Proposal
  6. Writing and Presenting the Systems Proposal
11-13 PART IV The Essentials of Design
  1. Designing Effective Output
  2. Designing Effective Input
  3. Designing The File or Database
  4. Designing the User Interface
  5. Designing Accurate Data-Entry Procedures
14 Software Engineering and Implementation 20-22

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu