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// Recursive Fibonacci Method

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

public class fibo extends Applet {

   Label numLabel, resultLabel;
   TextField num, result;

   public void init()
/* initialize both labels and Textfields					*/
	numLabel = new Label("Enter an integer and press return");
	num = new TextField(10);
	resultLabel = new Label("Fibonacci value is");
	result = new TextField(15);

	add( numLabel);
	add( num);
	add (resultLabel);
	add (result);

   public boolean action(Event e, Object o)
/* get number from first TextField, compute and display its 	*/
/* fibonacci number								*/
	long number, fibonacciVal;
	number = Long.parseLong( num.getText());
	showStatus("Calculating ...");
	fibonacciVal = fibonacci (number);
	showStatus ("Done.");
	result.setText (Long.toString( fibonacciVal ));
	return true;
  long fibonacci (long n)
/* recursive definition to compute fibonacci numbers		*/
	if ( n == 0 || n == 1)
		return n;
		return (fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2));