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import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

public class SharedCell1 extends Applet {
	// show multiple threads modifying shared object

	private TextArea output;

	public void init()
		output = new TextArea (28, 48);
		add (output);

	public void start ()
		HoldInteger h = new HoldInteger( );
		ProduceInteger p = new ProduceInteger(h, output );
		ConsumeInteger c = new ConsumeInteger(h, output );


class ProduceInteger extends Thread
	private HoldInteger pHold;
	private TextArea output;

	public ProduceInteger ( HoldInteger h, TextArea out)
		pHold = h;
		output = out;

	// execute the thread
	public void run()
		for ( int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
				pHold.setSharedInt( count);
				output.appendText ("\n Producer set sharedInt to " + count );
		// put thread to sleep for a random interval
			{	sleep( (int) (Math.random() * 3000 ) ); }
			catch ( InterruptedException exception )
			{	System.err.println ("Exception: " + exception.toString() );	}
class ConsumeInteger extends Thread
	private HoldInteger cHold;
	private TextArea output;

	public ConsumeInteger ( HoldInteger h, TextArea out)
		cHold = h;
		output = out;

	// execute the thread
	public void run()
		int val;
		val = cHold.getSharedInt();
		output.appendText ("\n Consumer retrieved " + val );
		while ( val != 9)
		// put thread to sleep for a random interval
			{	sleep( (int) (Math.random() * 3000 ) ); }
			catch ( InterruptedException exception )
			{	System.err.println ("Exception: " + exception.toString() );	}
			val = cHold.getSharedInt();
			output.appendText ("\n Consumer retrieved " + val );

class HoldInteger 

	private int sharedInt;
	public void setSharedInt (int val ) { sharedInt = val; }
	public int getSharedInt () { return sharedInt; }