Dragging the Mouse ALT= "Applet could not be loaded" Sorry, it is time to upgrade your browser to a Java powered one.

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

public class Drag extends Applet {
	private int xValue, yValue;
	private boolean first;

	public void init()
		first = true;	//disables statements in paint initially

	public void paint (Graphics g)
		if ( !first )		// do not drag the first time
			g.fillOval (xValue, yValue, 4, 4);
	public void update ( Graphics g )		// override Component class update
		paint ( g );					// do not clear background; only call paint

	public boolean mouseDrag (Event e, int x, int y)
		xValue = x;
		yValue = y;
		first = false;


		showStatus ( "Event: mouseDrag" );
		return true;