Project 5 – What is a computer programmer?


This project is designed for you to gain experience using Pocket Internet Explorer on the iPAQ Pocket PC with a wireless network.


Part 1: Setting up the network card.


a)      Remove the Pocket PC from the cradle.

b)      Insert the Pocket PC into the sleeve.

c)      Insert the network card into the sleeve.

d)      Turn on your Pocket PC. (You may be asked to acknowledge a prompt)


Part 2: Using the Internet to find the salaries for different types of programming jobs.


a)      From the Start menu in the top left corner, select Internet Explorer

a.       If the address bar is not visible, select View and check Address Bar.

b)      Use one of the search engines to find a definition of a computer programmer.

c)      You may have noticed that there are many different types of computer programmers. One of the best places to compare salaries of different types of programmers is at Yahoo’s career site.

d)      Enter into the Address Bar.

e)      Select the Salary Wizard on the right.

f)        Select IT -- Computers, Software for the Job Category.

g)      By using the Create Report, find the median base salaries for the following types of programmers:

a.       Applications Systems Analyst I

b.      Client/Server Programmer I

c.       Mainframe Programmer I

d.      Midrange Programmer I

e.       Programmer I

h)      Be sure to read the descriptions of each job. Which of these jobs might best fit a programmer who writes programs for the Pocket PC?


Part 3:  Presenting your results


a)      Use Pocket Word to write a report about what you have found.