Project 2 – Getting to Know You


This project is designed for you to gain experience in learning to use Windows CE on the iPAQ Pocket PC through the use of the Contact List and Beaming.


Part 1: Setting up a contact (each student in your group must do the following).


a)      Press New in the bottom left corner of your iPAQ

b)      Select Contact

c)      Either select Keyboard or Transcriber in the bottom right corner of the iPAQ.

d)      Enter your Name, job title (student), and e-mail address in Contact.

e)      Press OK when finished.


Part 2: Sending the contact information to each other


a)      From the Start menu in the top left corner, select Contacts

b)      Select one of the contacts by tapping on it and then hold stylus over contact.

c)      Select Beam Contact.

d)      Point your iPAQ at the person you are beaming to.

e)      Repeat for everyone in class.


Prize will be awarded to the first team that gets all of the other contacts from the class.