Introduction to the iPAQ Pocket PC and Windows CE


Get organized, get more done, and have more fun with the Pocket PC!


The Pocket PC is the most complete, useful Personal Data Assistant (PDA) available today. In fact, it is more than a PDA, it is actually a “Pocket PC”.


You can:


AGENDA (8:30 – noon)

Dec. 8: Introduction to iPAQ Pocket PC and Windows CE

            Learn how to use Contact Lists and Beaming

            Learn how to use the Calendar and Task list

            Learn to use Pocket Internet Explorer and e-mail


Dec. 15: Collect data with Pocket Internet Explorer

Learn how to use Pocket Excel to analyze the data in a spreadsheet

Learn to use Pocket Word to report the results of the data


Jan. 5: Learn the basics of Visual C++ Programming


Jan. 12: Modify Visual C++ programs for analyzing data



You should be able to know where the following hardware items are:


You should be able to use the following Windows CE features: