Reginald Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> This is question is mainly directed to Network Adminstrator of Schools
> Last school year our first year project with WinNT Server / Win95 Client
> in our 3 computer Labs, of 16 PC's a piece,
> Since that was my first tackle win NT Server, i had a hell of a year,
> but in the end it all worked out pretty fine, lots of NT Experience...
> No this year i want to make in more simple....especially the User
> Names..

> I a looking f or a great system of handing out user names.....
> What i did last year was used the First four characters of the student
> name along with his/her stud ID....Work out fine... BR>> But what that mean is every year i have to assign new User ID's for the
> 300+ new students......
> What system is the best approach for a school...
> I was thinking about the following:
> Freshman ------ I will assingn 6 User ID's /pw eg.
> ID Password
> Student1 123456
> Student2 123456
> etc.
> Seniors ------- I will use the same system that i used mentiond above so
> that i can assign home directorys for the senior students so that the
> can save their projects...
> With this system i would not have to be doing as much adding of User
> ID's as the previous system....
> I only have to add students when they are promoted for freshman to
> seniors...
> In our system...that is in a 2 year span
> ..
> And help will surely be appreciated.... >
> please direct your reply to the list and a copy to


To set the scene, I am from Queensland in Australia and we have year 8 through to year 12 at the school.

What I find helps is to set up the username to be the student's number.

Set up folders that relate to the year the student has started at your school. eg year 8 students this year are in the 97 folder in the user directory. The student's own folder is then located under the 97 folder.

This allows for easy deletion of students when they leave your school. i.e the year 12 students will be removed from the system this year by deleting the 93 folder located under the user directory.

Hope this helps